God’s Blueprint For Christian Education

God’s blueprint for Christian Education is found in the Bible.

The best place to have this education is the Christian home. More information about this you can read on the page Home Education (click and it will open in a different window).

Because God’s people often neglected this solemn duty to educate their children, God inspired obedient people to establish schools, the schools of the prophets. They were not conducted in the way pagan nations understood education. They had to follow different principles. The content of that education and the methodology were completely different than those of other nations and religions. The Christian education should follow their pattern in our days. (for more details please read the chapter 58 The Schools of the Prophets from the book Patriarchs and Prophets, by Ellen G White. You can read it online here https://egwwritings.org/ searching for the title of the book and using the title of the chapter in the text search box).

In the 1800’s God called a woman, Ellen G. White, to advise God’s people how to establish Christian schools and how the schools of the prophets had to be our blueprint. There were people who understood and accepted God’s blueprint for Christian Education, but most of the people didn’t understand and didn’t accept this blueprint.

The Broken Blueprint of Christian Education (click to read/download the pdf file; it will open in a different window) is a very detailed history of what happened in the 19th and 20th century in the Adventist movement in the field of education. In order to learn from the mistakes done in the past we need to know what happened in the past and search for God’s counsel and guidance to avoid those same mistakes.

In the material provided you will discover interesting facts about how Madison School became the institution which followed God’s blueprint for Christian education, how some mistakes were done and why the school closed its doors. There is interesting information about how Loma Linda started also in the right direction and how very soon it followed the worldly pattern for education.